So this last week I really hit the gas when it came to putting these goals in motion. There is definitely something to this blogging thing because when there were parts of that goal I didn't feel like doing the thought in my head was "don't be lame...there are people now that know what you're trying to accomplish." I am a planner. A major planner. When I know that there is a habit I am trying to change that requires a chunk of time out of my day, I have to make sure it is the same chunk of my day every day. I am a creature of habit to say the least so this makes a difference. So before I got real thick into diving into these things I made a routine for my days. Classes make it so there's some variation day to day, but in general my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are very similar and my Tuesdays and Thursdays are very similar. I decided that I was going to get up at 6:00 every morning and exercise before my day really starts. Anyone who knows me well would be shocked at this voluntary decision (mornings aren't my thing) but they'll be more shocked to learn that I did it!
For my goal of exercising 30 minutes a day I used this beginner's running challenge I found on Pinterest because I've always wanted to run but never could really do it. I was surprised at my own perseverance, but I kept going. Unfortunately the week took a turn for the worse and it caused bumps...big bumps in my routine. Lots of stress, made it so I woke up Friday with a killer headache and upset stomach. I still worked out but I mostly stuck to the stationary bike because running with a headache makes you feel like your brain is going to fall out of your ears; and that would be unfortunate, and messy. But I did notice as I was working out that I wasn't so tired! I was amazed! Before this I would get so tired in the afternoon that I would try to do homework and end up falling asleep (not for a short 15 minute cat nap either...for like 2 hours). This last week that didn't happen! I did not feel as exhausted, and that made me super happy! I also noticed that I felt stronger and more confident just in my day to day whatever I'm doing. I felt like because I was making an effort to take care of myself better, I mattered more. Funny how that works. This week starting off I didn't exercise because extra stress caused me to get behind in homework, which made me have to stay up later. But I will get into that more a little later in the post.
When it comes to my sweet tooth, I have been doing a lot better! I have been trying to opt for things like fruit (which I love) and yogurt if I have a sweet hankering. The yoplait light yogurts really seem to work for me, especially the raspberry cheesecake one....yum! I learned a long time ago that as soon as I say "I am not going to eat (insert some form of junk food here) anymore!" I want it more. The only thing that hasn't been the case with is fast food. I don't feel a huge tug toward that; I eat it when it's necessary or if we're with someone and go but I don't pull for it. So this time I didn't try to say I am not going to eat cookies or candy because I knew that if I did a little while later I would be just like Hammy in the attached video. But I did do a lot better in finding better things to replace the sweet things, while still allowing myself to have a little.
Here's where the bigger stuff comes in. My big moments this week were more than I ever expected. It was super stressful, emotionally exhausting, and a gigantic blessing. I started saying my personal prayers every morning and every night, I read my scriptures right after school before I even turned on my computer for homework, and Glen and I were reading them together and saying prayers together before bed. It was really really awesome. i felt like there was a difference being made in my day. I was grumpy less and more appreciative. Then on Tuesday our car overheated...again (it happened like a month ago). We got it towed...again. And our awesome mechanic (Damon at DC Automotive...for any local friends) took care of it...again. Wednesday morning it started to overheat we waited for it to cool off and add fluid to it. We had to do this every morning in order to get Glen to work and me to school without the temperature gauge going crazy. Friday my dad drove the car and realized there was fluid wherever he parked. Back to Damon we go...and a few hours later (which were kind of fun because I spent the afternoon with my Daddy) Damon tells me that the head gasket is toast on the car. Something that could be repaired but for more than the car was worth. He said the car would not last long, and we needed to look into get another...quickly. Our only car toast. It had a lot of miles on it, but the kicker was the it was confirmed by Damon that another dealership that it was taken to (Kuni Honda for my Colorado friends and family...don't take your car there) basically messed it up real bad by putting some substance that didn't belong in the radiator. That caused the need for expensive repair and the demise of our Civic. I was on and off in tears a lot of the following days. I didn't understand at all; we were staring to do the things that we needed to again, we had finally got our financial footing. it was shortly after all the expenses we spent on Charlie being sick. I was so frustrated, confused, and deflated.
Damon told us about a local place that would look at the car, assess it's worth and basically give us cash for it. He told us to take it there and use that as a down payment on a new one. I was not at all looking forward to this. I hate having to buy clothes, let alone something large, on four wheels, and priced like a bazillion times the cost of pants. But I knew there was a blessing in all of this. Blessing one: no one got hurt in all these shenanigans. Everyone I loved was safe. Saturday Glen and I took the car to get its value assessed. We didn't have super high hopes. It's old, lots of miles, and looks its age. We were thinking $400, maybe $800. Blessing two: appraiser came back with an offer of $1,700. Which provided a significant down payment and the first month's worth of payment. We were surprised and elated with this new and met my parents to go car shopping. We had an idea of what we wanted but we weren't sure. It was later in the day than we wanted to start so we didn't have much time. Luckily we were with my parents and were able to get our grocery shopping done too. Blessing three: I have really fantastic parents that happily help their children in any way they can; not to mention they think of their in law kids as their children so they're always willing. We let our car sit for the next day and a half and got a ride to church and everything. During church I had just tons running through my head. We can't afford a car payment, I have to go back to working again, that will affect my school work, I'll never see Glen, we can't even afford to pay tithing. Blessing four: luckily for me, my husband even in these situations is completely steadfast in the tithing area and dutifully and willingly paid it. I just couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was on and off in tears most of church, let alone the rest of the day. But my parents, Glen and I came up with a game plan for the next day to get the car taken car of. So yesterday we took our first car together back to where we went Saturday and handed over the keys in exchange for a check. Scary, yet a relief. Then my Dad took us to shop some more. The first place we went we just did not find anything that clicked and we moved on. The second place we went (with my mom too this time), I wasn't expecting to find anything. As soon as we got out of the car, I saw a salesman come towards us and I thought "great catch, vulture." But man was I wrong. This guy (Larry and Toyota of Irving for any local friends maybe looking for a car) was amazing. Not at all the stereotypical car salesman. Talked to us about his children and said that he would want someone to help his children in our situation so he was going to help us; and he did. A few hours later we walked out with a palatable monthly payment, more peace of mind than we thought we would have, and a reliable (and pretty) car.
Larry, and the really nice woman Ana in financing were super helpful, polite, and put my mind more at ease than I thought it could be given the stressful and sleepless previous nights. Blessing five, six, and seven: Did I mention my awesome parents? The ones that sat with us in the hot tiny little office to help us negotiate territory we've never been in and helped Glen pull me off the ceiling when numbers were being thrown around.
Blessing eight: Larry, our awesome sales man who treated us like family and made us feel completely comfortable. Who also worked really hard to get us the palatable numbers.

tithing blessed us ten fold.
I am amazed at the things that have happened this past week. At the amount we've been blessed, at having such a quickly answered prayer, at the wonderful supportive people I have in my life. I know the way this played out would not have happened if Glen and I had not been making such a concentrated effort to do those simple things we know we need to do. Now, it doesn't even seem appropriate to call them simple because of the resounding impact it has had.
So while the physical portion of my goals did not get as far as I hoped, the spiritual side has come farther in a week than I ever could have imagined. I hope you all have a fantastic week!
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