I realized that my overall excuse for a lot of things is "I just don't have time." Which is total junk because there are a bunch of people who do the things I am trying to do plus the rest of their life every day. The real problem is my time management is much more lack luster than I originally thought. I thought before it was all because of school that I didn't have time, but right now school is out and the fact that that's still being said is pretty much a lie.
In regards to my physical goals, I had a little extra kick to quit messing around and get to it toward the end of my semester. I was having some terrible back pain; I was having spasms and painful stiffness that made it hard to move. When I went to the doctor she prescribed me some muscle relaxers but also told me the best way to really help it is to strengthen my core muscles. She wanted me to get a gym membership but that just wasn't an option so I asked my awesome cousin Li Witt what the best way for me to do this would be (she's an awesome personal trainer). She said Pilates would be best. There was an even bigger reason to get moving and since that doctor appointment, I noticed it! The days that I was more sedentary, my back killed! When I was more active, it didn't hurt so much. That's kind of a kick in the face when you can see that much of a difference. Not to mention all the things I mentioned before that I've been noticing about myself.

The other kicker is the diet part. I have an ever growing sweet tooth and it drives me crazy! But the good thing is that summer is here and summer is one of my favorite seasons for produce. In the summer time my appetite always drastically decreases because it's so hot out. When I was younger and it was rally hot and humid we would have a really good, really big, and really cold watermelon for dinner and it was awesome! The only problem is I spent the first 18 years of my life being spoiled with really amazing summer produce and I just can't seem to find stuff that's as good here in Texas. If anyone local has any suggestions, I will take them! I also noticed when I get really mindlessly busy is when I eat the most junk; with that I know I need to take the time to really choose my food carefully and just sit and eat without any distraction so I can tell when my body is telling me it's full. I also noticed that there are certain foods we grab on the run that make me feel so gross! Yeah they don't taste terrible or anything but I feel so gross after I eat them. Why would I keep eating them if they make me feel that way? It doesn't make sense, so I am not going to eat those things.
The mental goal of not comparing is becoming a more mounting one. When it gets hot outside, girls where less clothes. That's annoying! I have never been one that had any interest in short shorts or tiny tops, but when everyone is walking around in that it can be hard not to feel like you don't size up. My goal is just to think about other things and try to ignore them; that's pretty much the best strategy with that.
The spiritual side of my goals falls under the same excuse as the physical ones. "I just don't have time." A total pile of garbage when it comes to reasoning. There's not a whole bunch to say about that except I am working on doing better.
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